Praising children blindly leads to kids having a fixed mindset. Praising them for what they accomplish rather than for the effort they out in leads to kids believing that if they do not obtain that same outcome again they should not continue pursuing that goal. Praising with a growth mindset approach helps children understand the concept of "Not yet". This concept allows them to be resilient and continue pursuing a goal.
In most cases kids give up if they do not achieve the same result by which they were praised in the past. Many parents do not know how to praise their kids and this causes them to have lower self-esteem and grit. As Carol Dweck said, parents also need the growth mindset mentality that would help them learn that they can learn and get better.
Let us talk about the concept of GRIT
Grit is having the perseverance to pursue meaningful desired outcomes. I gritty child is patient with their long term goals but urgent with the immediate steps. A gritty child is willing to have delay gratification because of the better long term outcome.
A child with grit does not have a fixed mindset, which suggests intelligence is fixed. A child with grit has a "growth" mindset, which teaches that intelligence grows and develops. This allows the child to transform and reorganize his or her brain. Children with growth mindsets do not care about looking smart, they care about truly learning. They do not equate working hard with low intelligence, rather they work hard to expand their intelligence and succeed. Children with grit do not back away at adversity, rather they stay resilient and continue to work hard. They spend more time learning about subjects they are struggling in, instead of spending less time on it.
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